Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm in love with iPhone Apps

Phone Apps Make me Play!!
OK.. there I said it, I have become smitten with my iPhone apps and Instagram! (Sharp intake of breath!)  Yes, yes, I know we're limited with what we can do with our pictures, but look WHAT we can do with our pictures! Just a mundane photo of a spent rain tree seed pod on the rippled glass of our patio table can turn the piece into a work of art! If you have an iPhone,it's definitely worth your downloading a few apps and unleashing your creativity. Waiting for an appointment is no longer a pain for me. I simply whip out my trusty little phone and play... I have been even known to surreptitiously take pics of people and/or things around me. Then, I'll pop open one of FOUR folders of photography apps I've downloaded on my phone and tweak/play to my heart's content. I can be as subtle with the editing or as wild and crazy as I like; frankly, I tend to lean toward the unconventional end of the spectrum! (my Instagram pics are at: So.. TRY IT! You'll like it!!

About Sher Creel Photography & Graphic Design

My photo
Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Welcome! I’m Sher Creel, Photographic Artist; Graphic Designer; and all around creative artist. I view life as if looking through a camera lens, and that spurs me on to creative adventures in a variety of mediums.. I might grab the camera or a canvas and paint brush! Or all THREE to create output an awesome piece of art on canvas! My career background was in layout, print, and photography. However, I'm always on a quest to learn new technologies and techniques. I was thrilled to learn to use digital technology to blend my photography with my artistic/painting ability and create digital paintings of vibrant colors, texture, and abstract effects... my work is seldom conservative! You'll find I am an enthusiastic, passionate artist, armed with a camera and a wacky sense of humor. Shooting LIFE with its wonderful, quirky people, the vibrant colors and touchable textures of our world is what makes me's the best high in the world! So look around a while; I hope you like what you see. Enjoy your stay!

A few samples of my recent work and most favorite shots:

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