y secret is that I see beauty when and where others don’t. Beauty is in tiny details, inconsequential things, unnoticed expressions. It’s about capturing that magical moment to have for all time.
My childhood love of photography has taken me through such technological evolutions over the years.. and how exciting it has been! Here, you’ll see that many of my photographs have become wonderful giclee paintings on canvas. From taking film images straight out of my little Brownie camera, my passion has become channeling that digital technology to blend photography with my artistic/painting ability to create traditional or contemporary digital paintings of vibrant colors, texture, and abstract effects. Conservative, they are not.
Here, you’ll find some of my favorite “paintings,” each of which originated from one of my photographs. Through careful, digital brush work, color manipulation, and other techniques, these images come into their own as expressions of imagination and true works of art. Techniques used vary from painting to painting in this collection, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that each mixed media creation began with a simple digital photograph and a freedom to express.
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